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Monday Nov 06, 2023
Board of Health of November 6th, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Canton Board of Health Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 6th, 2023 at 6 pm
Salah Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, 801 Washington St
Discuss/Vote: Septic Upgrade at 408 York Street.
408 York Street, Local Upgrade Request from 310 CMR 15.405(i) to allow the use of sieve analysis of soil in lieu of on-site percolation testing to determine soil loading rate at 408 York Street for septic system repair, provided no increase in flow.
Food Service New License
(1) Playa Bowls. Food Service License at 635 Washington Street. Food Service A 0-50 Seats. Contin- gent on Sanitarians Inspection.
(2) Wild Fork Foods. Food Service License at 960R Washington street. Food Service A.
Vouchers and Bills: Please review and sign.
Minutes: August 31st & September 11th. Please review & sign.
The Board of Health may also discuss topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chairperson 48 hours in advance of the meeting
Future 2023 BOH Meeting Dates: December 4th
preparation on-site. The end customer is an individual customer purchasing the food item at re-
(This facility
is storing and selling prepackaged frozen foods and selling at retail to the consumer, no food
tail online for delivery. For example, the consumer would go to www.wildforkfoods.com, place
and order and a third party (FedEx, Uber, etc.) would deliver to their address.)