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Monday Nov 13, 2023
Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee of Nov. 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee
Meeting Agenda
Date/Time: Monday, November 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM EST
Physical Location: Town Hall, Salah Meeting Room, 801 Washington St, Canton MA 02021 Virtual: Zoom Meeting ID: 847 2490 7920 Passcode: 648395
1. Read indigenous land statement
a. CDEI Indigenous Land Statement.docx
2. Minutes (vote)
a. September 11, 2023
b. 091123 Minutes Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting Minutes.docx
3. Recap events held & open items
a. Everybody Eats
i. Receipts need to be photographed & provided to Nichola
b. Indigenous Event 11/4/23
i. Invoice being processed
c. Other information
Checks are cut on Tuesdays
If a vendor has not worked with Canton in the past it is necessary for them to fill out at W-9
4. Budget Planning (possible vote)
a. Review budget doc & make decisions on allocation planning
b. Budget planning FY24
5. Champions of Wellness road race
a. 11/19/23 9am - Canton High School
b. Volunteer or any other logistics need attention?
6. Transgender Day of Remembrance (Vote)
a. November 20th each year is designated as the Transgender Day of Remembrance, we would like the vigil to be held on the day of.
b. Planned agenda - order/timing tbd
Reading of names
Panel discussion
Open forum
c. Concerns & risks - special town meeting is the same night 7. HlumiNation
a. Lighting ceremony in partnership with the Canton Police Department
b. This is already voted, discussion here is on how CDEI can best support the event
8. Speaker Series
a. Please plan to bring ideas for January - March to the December meeting
9. Juneteenth (Vote)
a. Date 6/19/23 - other details tbd.
b. Voting this date enables us to reach out to other towns & communities to communicate our plan
10. Public Comment Practice
a. Close out prior discussion