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Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Master Plan Implementation Committee Meeting June 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Master Plan Implementation Committee Meeting June 15, 2023
7:00-8:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting
JUN 1 2 2023
Master Plan Implementation Committee Members: Chris Albert (Select Board), Joseph Amrhein (Planning Board), Bob MacDonald (Conservation Commission), Emilio Mauro (Finance Committee), Kristian Merenda (School Committee), Mike Nourse (Historical Commission), Alan Rapoport (Economic Development Committee), Citizen- at-Large - vacant, Community Preservation Committee/ Playground and Recreation Commission representative - vacant
School Committee Non-Voting Alternate: Maureen Moran
Staff: Taylor Torres, Incoming Town Planner/Gene Manning, Interim Town Planner
Item Time
1. Introductions 7:00-7:05
AGENDA Discussion
Chair welcomes attendees and introduces members.
Annual election/re-election ofchair, vice chair, and clerk.
New Town Planner/MPIC staff member Taylor Torres hired and any updates regarding town planning from Interim Town Planner Gene Manning or incoming Town Planner Taylor Torres.
Review of MPIC participation in Canton Heritage Festival on May 20th, 2023, at Paul Revere Heritage Site.
Update on Sustainability Action Plan Steering Committee and MPIC involvement in it.
Discussion on potential to increase participation in MPIC for non seated boards or committees and the process required to do this.
Review MPIC meeting minutes from March 16, 2023, April 20, 2023, and May 18, 2023.
Next meeting: September TBD, 2023, and future guests and priorities discussed.
Reorganization of MPIC
New Town Planner and Any Town Planner Updates
Canton Heritage Festival Review
SAPSC Update
Potential Expansion of MPIC or Liaisons to MPIC
Acceptance of Minutes
Upcoming Meeting, Priorities, and Future Guests
Notes: Times are approximate and items might be taken out of order. Should an item be added to the agenda prior to 48 hours before the meeting’s scheduled start time, the agenda will be updated. However, the committee might also discuss a topic not reasonably anticipated by the chair prior to the meeting. This meeting will be recorded.