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Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Master Plan Implementation Committee of Nov. 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Master Plan Implementation Committee Meeting
November 16th, 2021, 7-8:30 pm Zoom Meeting
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89315661874?pwd=SFVsMGdtTWxNV1pMSGg3ZVRWeTVLZz09 Meeting ID: 893 1566 1874, Passcode: 02021
Phone: 1-929-205-6099, 89315661874#, *02021#
Master Plan Implementation Committee Members: Lisa Lopez (CCPC), Bob MacDonald (Conservation), Emilio Mauro (Finance), Kathy McCormack (Planning), Kristian Merenda (Schools), Mike Nourse (Historical), Alan Rapoport (Economic Development), Sean Robinson (Citizen at Large), (vacant) Select Board representative
School Committee Non-Voting Alternate: Maureen Moran
Capital Planning Committee members: Dave Emhardt (Chair), Stephen O’Halloran, Stephen Dockray, Shaun Chu,
Andrew Staiti, Barbara Saint Andre, and Christopher Deck
Staff: Laura Smead, Town Planner
Item |
Time |
Discussion |
1. Introductions |
7:00-7:05 |
2. Discussion of Master Plan and implementation process |
7:05-7:15 |
MPIC explains the Master Plan and implementation process |
3. Discussion of shared priorities and capital projects with CPC |
7:15-7:45 |
Discuss possible capital projects that may be implemented in the next five years. How these would fit into the five-year capital plan. |
4. Update on Route 138 MassDevelopment assistance |
7:45-7:50 |
Town Planner updates members on Route 138 MassDevelopment technical assistance related to a Development Increment Financing (DIF) district for Rte. 138 corridor. |
5. Discussion of Top Master Plan Priorities – Strategic Framework |
7:50-7:55 |
Check in on strategic framework worksheet, and liaison conversations |
6. Letters of Support for CCPC projects |
7:55-8:15 |
Discuss sending a letter of supports for various Community Preservation Committee requests (Land Acquisition Fund, Housing Coordinator, Paul Revere Heritage Site bathrooms) |
7. Acceptance of Minutes |
8:15-8:20 |
Acceptance of Minutes from September 9th and October 14th |
8. Proposed next meeting date(s) and next steps |
8:20-8:30 |
Discussion of February meeting date/time, ordering of guests for future meetings, next steps for coordination |