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Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Planning Board of March 2, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
David McCarthy, Chair Patricia McDermott, Vice Chair Kathy Gibbs McCormack, Clerk Robert E. Panico, Member Joseph Amrhein, Member
801 Washington Street Salah Meeting Room
6:00 P.M.
( 2 ) PLYMOUTH RUBBER PROJECT (Revolution Way/Revere Street) (Bernie Plante, Melton Associates) – Discussion of Reduction or Release of Bond/Completion of Construction/Final Plans.
( 3 ) 572 WASHINGTON STREET (CCDRB) - William Raveis (Bryan Vasser, Archer Signs) – Relocate existing sign and add additional blue band to the left and right to cover old bronze band on building.
( 4 ) 110 GREEN STREET (ANR) – John G. Hayes, Owner/Applicant; Paul Brodmerkle, Site Design Professionals, LLC.
( 5 ) 652 WASHINGTON STREET (CCDRB) - Aetan Mataev, Applicant (Installing white vinyl on existing building, same color white and painting green to gray.
( 6 ) 582 WASHINGTON STREET (CCDRB) – Thai Lanna Spa - Apiwan Kruawong, Owner; Litchfield’s Art & Sign. Replacing existing sign with 1/8” alupanel board (aluminum with a solid PVC core) with gloss black face white vinyl lettering and gold foil flowers and trim.
( 7 ) ARTICLE (32) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAW SECTION 6.1. OFF-STREET PARKING -- To see if the Town will vote to amend Zoning By-law Section 6.1. Off-Street Parking as follows: Motion 1 That Zoning By-law Section 6.1.1 for Parking Requirements in All Districts be amended, with bolded and underlined language indicating changes: 6.1.1 Parking Requirements in All Districts. In all districts, there shall be provided and maintained improved off-street automobile parking spaces in connection with the erection, establishment or increase by units or dimensions of buildings, structures and uses, in the following amounts. For the purposes of this Section, “gross floor area” means the total floor area contained within the exterior walls, including any mezzanine, space used for heating and cooling utilities and for incidental storage.
( 8 ) ARTICLE (33) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAW SECTION 9.8 Canton Center Economic Opportunity District (CCEOD) -- To see if the Town will vote to amend Zoning By-law Section 9.8 Canton Center Economic Opportunity District (CCEOD) to update the parking requirements to be consistent with Section 6.1 (Off-Street parking) as follows, with underlined text indicating changed language:
Planning Board Agenda
March 2, 2022
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( 9 ) ARTICLE (34) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAW SECTION 7.2 SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR ABOVE OR BELOW GRADE STRUCTURED PARKING -- To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-laws: 1. By deleting Section 7.2 for “Above or Below Grade Structured Parking”, and 2. By relabeling Section 7.2 as not used.
( 10 ) ARTICLE (35) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAW SECTION 9.3 TO REMOVE THE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY OVERLAY DISTRICT (EOOD) -- To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-laws: 1. By deleting Section 9.3 for “Economic Opportunity Overlay District (EOOD)”, and 2. By relabeling Section 9.3 as not used.
( 11 ) ARTICLE (36) - AMEND ZONING MAP OF TOWN OF CANTON -- To see if the Town of Canton will vote to amend the Zoning Map of the Town Canton, as most recently amended, as follows: To amend the map entitled “Zoning Map of Town of Canton”, to place the parcels (Assessor Parcels) shown on the plan entitled “Proposed Rezoning Exhibit”, prepared by the Planning Department, into the newly created Commercial Mixed Use District (C-MUD).
( 12 ) ARTICLE (37) - ADD ZONING BY-LAW SECTION 6.9 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR COMMERCIAL MIXED USE DISTRICT -- To see if the Town will vote to add Zoning By-law Section 6.9 General Provisions for the Commercial Mixed Use District as follows: 6.9 Commercial Mixed-Use District.
( 13 ) ARTICLE (38 ) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAW SECTION 2.0 DISTRICTS -- To see if the Town will vote to amend Zoning By-law Section 2.0 Districts, as follows: MOTION 1 - That Zoning Bylaw
Section 2.1 “Establishment” be amended to add reference to the Commercial Mixed Use District under the category of “Other Districts”. MOTION 2 - That Zoning Bylaw Section 2.2 “Overlay and Special Districts” be amended to remove reference to the Economic Opportunity Overlay District (EEOD), Mixed Use Overlay District (MUOD), Hotel Overlay District (HOD), and Village Housing Overlay District (VHOD).
( 14 ) ARTICLE (39) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAWS SECTION 4.0 DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS -- To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.0 “Dimensional Requirements,” of the Zoning By-Laws by adding dimensional and height requirements for the Commercial Mixed Use District (newly added), Limited Industrial B (existing), and Limited Industrial C (existing) districts as follows, with bolded and underlined text indicating changed language:
( 15 ) ARTICLE (40) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAW SECTION 9.4 TO REMOVE THE MIXED USE OVERLAY DISTRICT (MUOD) -- To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-laws: 1. By deleting Section 9.4 for “Mixed Use Overlay District (MUOD)”, and 2. By relabeling Section 9.4 as not used.
( 16 ) ARTICLE (41) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAWS SECTION 3.1.4 TABLE OF USE REGULATIONS -- To see if the Town will vote to amend Zoning By-laws Section 3.1.4 Table of Use Regulations to complete the Table of Use for the Limited Industrial (C) zone, the Commercial Mixed-Use Zone (C-MU), and update uses related to structured parking and electric vehicle charging stations, or take any other action related thereto. Motion 1 - To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-laws Section 3.1.4, Table of Use Regulations, Section A Residential Uses as follows, with bolded and underlined language indicating changes:
( 17 ) ARTICLE (42) - AMEND ZONING BY-LAWS SECTION 11.0 DEFINITIONS -- To see if the Town will vote to amend Zoning By-Laws Section 11.0 as follows, with new word definitions being
( 18 ) Town Planner Updates – Laura Smead
( 19 ) Review & Approval of February 16, 2022 Minutes
Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chairman 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Next Meeting: March 16, 2022