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Friday May 14, 2021
School Committee of May 13, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Call to Order Roll Call
Executive Session To conduct strategy with respect to preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel, Canton High School Principal, and Nurse Leader, and strategy with respect to collective bargaining, as the Chair so declares that an open meeting might have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee.
C. Open Session
Student Member Report from Gabrielle McDuffie.
Superintendent’s Report
New Business
Director of Finance and Operations Finalist: Dr. Fischer-Mueller will recommend
the finalist for the Director of Finance and Operations, and following the School
Committee interview, will seek a vote of approval for appointment.
Nurse Leader Appointment: Dr. Fischer-Mueller will recommend the Nurse Leader
candidate to the Committee for an appointment and a vote of approval.
COVID19 Protocols Update: In accordance with policy EBC Supplemental, Dr.
Fischer-Mueller will present a change in the COVID19 protocols enacted on May
6, 2021, for a possible vote of approval.
Encore Update: Ms. Eckersley will share pricing and process information
regarding Encore’s after-school music program lessons for a vote of approval.
GMS Project Based Learning (PBL): Ms.Shannon will provide an update on the
GMS PBL plans.
School Committee FY22 Calendar: Dr. Fischer-Mueller will present a proposed
School Committee meeting calendar for FY22 for a possible vote of approval.
Unfinished Business
FY22 Budget: Dr. Fischer-Mueller and Mr. Nectow will continue the discussion
on the FY22 Budget.
Policy JICFB: Mr. Folan, Chair Merenda and Ms. O’Halloran will present policy
JICFB - Bullying Prevention - for a 2nd read and vote of approval.
Policy KE: Mr. Folan, Chair Merenda and Ms. O’Halloran will present policy KE
May 13, 2021 |
6:15 PM Executive Session 7:00 PM Open Session |
- Public Complaints - for a 2nd read and vote of approval.
4. District Updates: Dr. Fischer-Mueller and members of the Central Office Team
will provide District updates.
Business Manager’s Report
Public Comment Please click here to sign up to make a public comment. You may sign up at any time no later than May 13 at 4:00 pm. Public comment allows individuals to express an opinion or share a comment on issues to be discussed on the meeting agenda and/or within the School Committee's authority. It is not an opportunity for discussion dialogue between individuals and the School Committee or Administration. To respect the time of all participants in the meeting, the totality of individual comments cannot exceed 5 minutes. For more information and guidance on making public comments, please see the CPS policy here.
Routine Matters
Approve Minutes dated April 29, 2021
Approve Executive Minutes dated April 29, 2021
Approve Warrants dated May 14, 2021
Sub-Committee Reports
CCPC - Kendall O’Halloran
BRC - Chuck Rae
Wellness - Chuck Rae
Finance - Nichola Gallagher/Maureen Moran
Policy - Kristian Merenda/Kendall O’Halloran
PRHC - Nichola Gallagher
Canton Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (CDEI) - Nichola Gallagher
Master Planning Committee - Kristian Merenda
Other Business Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Future Business The next School Committee Meeting will be held Thursday, May 27,
2021, at 7:00 pm.
N. Adjournment