Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Select Board of April 9, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Meeting Agenda
April 9, 2024
7:00 PM Select Board Meeting
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Vice-Chair John J. Connolly Ɩ Clerk Michael C. Loughran Christopher M. Albert I Patricia M. Boyden l John R. McCourt
Town Administrator Charles E. Doody
The meeting is being recorded by Canton Community Television
Public Hearing regarding the application for a Change of Ownership Interest for Concert Blue Hill Bevco, LLC dba Blue Hill Country Club, 23 Pecunit St.
Update on Neponset Region Climate Resilience and Flood Modeling project Annual Town Meeting Article 31‐Saddleback Lane and Horseshoe Lane as public
Annual Town Meeting Article 28‐Appropriation to fund Museum improvements
at the Paul Revere Heritage Site
Action Items/New Business
Review of contract proposals for Waste/Recycling
Select Board Operating Procedures Review‐Administrative Code Part I
K. Snyder
P. Schneiders A. Hines
R. Scollins J. KemalianConsider approving an application to change officers and directors for EET Group Inc. dba Canton Auto Gallery on its Class II dealer’s license
Consider approving an application for a Common Victualler’s license for Spice Art, 588 Washington St
Social Media Policy Review
Consider re‐appointment of Members of Boards and Committees‐list attached Consider the appointment of Firefighter – Ryan Lamb
Consider approving Fire Department abatement request
8. |
Consider approving appointment of Seasonal Parks and Recreation Staff ‐ see attached spreadsheets for aquatics staff; camp staff; and maintenance staff‐list attached |
Clerk |
10. |
Consider approving of the Personal Action Form for Board Secretary to Procurement Audit Committee‐Allison Neff |
Clerk |
11. |
Consider approving the application for One Day Entertainment for the Canton Heritage Festival to be held at 2 Rolling Mill Way, including the entire Town owned park at the Heritage site on May 18, 2024 from 10:00 AM‐3:00 PM and request for one day entertainment fee waiver contingent upon Building Commissioner, Police Chief and Fire Chief approval |
Clerk |
12. |
Consider accepting and authorizing: the use of the gift in accordance with the terms there of under MGL Ch. 44 § 53A the following donations to the Beautification Committee for Clean Up Day $250 from B & G Restaurant Supply $500 Draper Properties |
Clerk |
13. |
Consider accepting and authorizing: the use of the gift in accordance with the terms there of under MGL Ch. 44 § 53A the grant of $50,000 from Outfront Media for Shawmut and Route 95 locations |
Clerk |
Action Items/Other Business
Cemetery Commitments in the amount of $575
Water and Sewer Commitment Residential in the amount of $3,230,169.74 Water and Sewer Commitment Final Bills in the amount of $8666.44
Clerk Clerk Clerk
4. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 03/15/2024: $3,617,633.05 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 03/15/2024: $ 292,829.23 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 03/22/2024: $1,724,456.84 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 03/22/2024: $1,518,192.87 |
Clerk |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 03/29/2024: $2,396,332.84 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 03/29/2024: $ 308,119.93 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 04/05/2024: $ 796,447.44 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 04/05/2024: $1,516,513.56 |
Consider approving the Minutes from the Select Board meetings of March 12, 2024
Town Administrator Update
Clerk Announcements
Canton Electricity Program Announcement Great American Rain Barrel Program
The Select Board will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 7:00 PM in the Salah Meeting Room, Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street
Public Comment Period (15 minutes)
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting
C. Doody
M. Loughran Clerk
3. |
DPW Announcements‐Hazardous Waste Day; Upcoming Night Road Work; Pine Street Facility upcoming hours |
Clerk |
1. Consider the request for use of up to $20,000 from mitigation for the Kennedy Field House irrigation
2024 Parks and Recreation Summer Staff - Seasonal Maintenance
Last Name |
First Name |
Position |
Hourly Rate |
New / Rehire |
2205 |
Brown |
Seamus |
Maintenance |
$16.50 |
Rehire |
16302 |
51187 |
2084 |
Podgurski |
James |
Maintenance |
$16.50 |
Rehire |
16302 |
51187 |
2152 |
Crugnale |
Jacob |
Maintenance |
$16.50 |
Rehire |
16302 |
51187 |
Blizard Joseph Maintenance $16.00 New 16302 51187 |
April 9, 2024
2024 Parks and Recreation Summer Staff - Camps
Last Name |
First Name |
Position |
Wage |
New Hire / Rehire |
Org |
Object |
Accidat |
Reychard |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Baizen |
Ava |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Brogan |
Oisin |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53512 |
Dwoske |
Genevieve |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53512 |
Farrow |
Izzy |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53502 |
Faulk |
Nyomi |
Counselor (PLAY) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
16301 |
51185 |
Harris |
Emma |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53502 |
Holland |
Isabella |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53512 |
Isaacs |
Rose |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Johnson |
Andre |
Counselor (PLAY) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
16301 |
51185 |
Kayali |
Aya |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Leskiv |
Iryna |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53512 |
Monahan |
Nola |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Mulkern |
Jake |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53512 |
Mullen |
Mackenzie |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53502 |
Neeser |
Jack |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Owens |
Leo |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Patel |
Riddhi |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53502 |
Penders |
Georgia-Ann |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
51011 |
Redquest |
Klara |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53512 |
Scozzaro |
Anna |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53502 |
Sica |
Matt |
Counselor (PLAY) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
16301 |
51185 |
Smith |
Sean |
Counselor (PLAY) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
16301 |
51185 |
Wright |
Jessica |
Counselor (Edge) |
$15.00 |
New Hire |
31411 |
53544 |
2069 |
Albert |
Kayla |
Counselor (Edge) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53544 |
2123 |
Aldrich |
Maya |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2239 |
Amico |
Anna |
Track & Field (Counselor) |
$16.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2070 |
Beatty |
Bridget |
Counselor (PLAY) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51185 |
1893 |
Beatty |
Rachel |
Head Counselor (PLAY) |
$16.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51185 |
2160 |
Bennett |
Kimberly |
Track & Field Coordinator |
$25.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
1957 |
Bickett |
Elizabeth |
Lead Counselor (Blast Off) |
$17.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2101 |
Budway |
Kathryn |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2219 |
Carroll |
William |
Bus Driver |
$28.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53544 |
2232 |
Chennar |
Yasmina |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2181 |
Colin |
Siobhan |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2182 |
Dever |
Michael |
Couneslor (PLAY) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51185 |
2139 |
Digirolano |
Isabell |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2184 |
Donovan |
Mary Clare |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2185 |
Ferrara |
Claire |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2186 |
Findlen |
Jasmine |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2214 |
Flynn |
Meredith |
Track & Field Coach |
$20.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2043 |
French |
Brenna |
Head Counselor (PDC) |
$16.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2194 |
French |
Delia |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
April 9, 2024
2024 Parks and Recreation Summer Staff - Camps
EEID Last Name First Name Position Wage New Hire / Org Object Rehire |
2187 |
Gallery |
Syndey |
Counselor (Edge) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53544 |
2234 |
Geoghan |
Tara |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2189 |
Giglio |
Grace |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2220 |
Gotsell |
Brian |
Track & Field Coach |
$20.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2235 |
Hales |
Emily |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
1551 |
Hartnett |
Meghan |
Director (Edge) |
$23.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53544 |
1958 |
Hoban |
Anne |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2102 |
Hoban |
Sarah |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2013 |
Hylen |
Matthew |
Lead Counselor (PDC) |
$16.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
1897 |
Kelleher |
Kathleen |
Assist. Director (PDC) |
$20.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
1636 |
Kelly |
Patrick |
Director (PLAY) |
$22.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51185 |
1810 |
Kilduff |
Kerry |
Director (Blast Off) |
$25.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
1284 |
Kilduff |
Leann |
Director (PDC) |
$30.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2195 |
Lykov |
Veronica |
Lead Counselor (Blast Off) |
$16.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2236 |
Mak |
Sophie |
Cheer Counselor |
$15.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2210 |
Martone |
Kylie |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2222 |
Massih |
Emma |
Track & Field (Counselor) |
$16.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2141 |
McDonough |
Edward "Teddy" |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2211 |
Mulkern |
Abigail |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2196 |
Odivin |
Annie |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2197 |
Proctor |
Wyatt |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2199 |
Robbins |
MaryJane |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
1889 |
Rousseau |
Madison |
Track & Field (Counselor) |
$16.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
Sheehan |
Peter |
Track & Field Coach |
$20.00 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53502 |
2213 |
Silverman |
Sydney |
Art Coordinator (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
1807 |
Skelton |
Kiley |
Counselor (Edge) |
$16.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53544 |
2022 |
Smith |
Daniel |
Counselor (Edge) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53544 |
2099 |
Stock |
Abigail |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
1904 |
Sullivan |
Candace |
Bus Driver |
$28.71 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2207 |
Truglia |
Viviana |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.50 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2200 |
Vigevani |
Joanna |
Lead Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2201 |
Walsh |
Casey |
Counselor (PLAY) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51185 |
2238 |
Walsh |
Kayla |
Counselor (Blast Off) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
53512 |
2190 |
Wright |
Connor |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2191 |
Wright |
Dylan |
Counselor (PDC) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51011 |
2202 |
Zack |
Trevor |
Counselor (PLAY) |
$15.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51185 |
April 9, 2024
2024 Parks and Recreation Summer Staff - Aquatics
Last Name |
First Name |
Position |
Hourly Rate |
New / Rehire |
ORG2 |
OBJ2 |
Horrigan |
Maegan |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.00 |
New |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
Simpkins |
Sophie |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.00 |
New |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
Thompson |
Luke |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.00 |
New |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
Goon |
Josh |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
Hickey |
Ryan |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
Levis |
Jack |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
McInnes |
Hannah |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
O'Mara |
Daniel |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
O'Mara |
Tim |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
Regan |
Sophie |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
Quersher |
Lily |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
Rounds |
Abigail |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.00 |
New |
31411 |
51000 |
1267 |
Taylor |
Katelyn |
Pool Director |
$ 26.00 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2006 |
Canny |
Benjamin |
Head Lifeguard |
$ 21.50 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2193 |
Cohen |
Max |
Head Lifeguard |
$ 21.50 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2163 |
Buchsbaum |
Sarah |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2100 |
Canny |
Aidan |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2208 |
Deshmukh |
Aadya |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2176 |
Faulk |
Jesiah (JJ) |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
1885 |
Ferstler |
Michael |
Lifeguard |
$ 21.50 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2074 |
Gilchrist |
Abby |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2167 |
Gilchrist |
Julianne |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
1886 |
Hart |
Jessica |
Lifeguard |
$ 20.50 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2030 |
Hart |
Matthew |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2168 |
Hart |
Ryan |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.00 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2098 |
He |
Johnathan |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2077 |
Hickey |
Olivia |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2080 |
Lesser |
Grace |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2089 |
Lesser |
Matthew |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2093 |
Levis |
Nathan |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.00 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2045 |
McDonough |
Regan |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2171 |
Monahan |
Declan |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.00 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2177 |
Murphy |
Amy |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2082 |
Murphy |
Elise |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2217 |
Noone |
Joseph |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2198 |
Ritson |
Ruairi |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
April 9, 2024
2024 Parks and Recreation Summer Staff - Aquatics
EEID Last Name First Name Position Hourly New / ORG OBJ ORG2 OBJ2 Rate Rehire |
2096 |
Thompson |
Matthew |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.75 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2017 |
Walsh |
Laura |
Lifeguard |
$ 19.25 |
Rehire |
16301 |
51188 |
31411 |
51013 |
2175 |
Beyaztas |
Ciara |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51000 |
2172 |
Nieh |
Alvin |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51000 |
2087 |
Tureski |
Caitlin |
Gate/Concession |
$ 16.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51000 |
2180 |
Uysal-Post |
Ceylin |
Gate/Concession |
$ 15.25 |
Rehire |
31411 |
51000 |
April 9, 2024
Appointments - Meeting - 4/9/2024
Member of Committees for the Select Board Consideration
Traffic Committee
Sgt. Sean Goode
Alfons Koka
Heather Cahill
Kathy Gibbs McCormick James Quigley
Jordan Jones
Matthew Isaacs
Michael Loughran - Alternate
Cable License Renewal Committee
Louis Jutras Charles E. Doody Tanya Willow
Canton Veteran’s Council
Frank Labolitta
Animal Inspector
Stacy Nee
Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan
Regen Milani Alan Rapoport Mike Trotta Charles E. Doody Chris Sykes Randy Scollins Sean Robinson
Custodian of Tax and Title
Randy Scollins
Economic Development Committee
Tyrishma Allen Emilio E. Mauro, Jr Gene Manning Alan Rapoport Mindy Milman
Bill Wolfson
Tera Kull
Gregory Murphy
Health Insurance Advisory Committee
Charles E. Doody Randy Scollins Jody Middleton Diane Tynan Jane Consalvi James Galanis Tamra Stock
Lt. Charles Rae Kimberly Willett Robert Collins Courtney Gaboury Derek Folan
Liaison to State Ethic Commission
Charles E. Doody
MBTA Advisory Committee
P. Christopher Podgurski
Master Plan Implementation Committee
Peg Mead Michael Nourse Emilio Mauro James Quigley
Mapping Commission
Louis Jutras Michael Trotta Kelsey Quinlan Alfons Koka
Parking Clerk
Tracy Kenney
Superintendent of Fire Alarms
Fire Chief Wendell E. Robery
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Police Chief Helena Rafferty Amy Peterson
Nichola Gallagher
Joan Schottenfeld
Alan Rapoport Sherry Herzog Matthew Masciarelli Naomi Akan Melanie Martin
Permit Advisory Committee
Charles E. Doody
Robert McCarthy
Ed Walsh
Greg Pando
Regen Milani
Deputy Chief Thomas Keleher Fire Chief Wendell E. Robery Gene Manning
Taylor Torres James Quigley
Reservoir Pond Advisory Board
Deputy Police Chief – Thomas Keleher Fire Chief Wendell E. Robery
William Walsh
David Cahill
Scott Winter Pauline O’Leary Julie A Moffatt Janet Donnoe Robert Gorham Marsha Armando
Sick Bank Committee
Ellen Jones Karen Lawlor Mark Zade Diane Tynan Jody Middleton Susan Musto Tamra Stock
Sustainability and Climate Action Plan Committee
Taylor Torres Kristine Meaney Tom Birmingham Brianna Abend
Alan Abend
Jennifer Wexler Jennifer Collins Matthew Masciarelli Isabella Luca Kathleen O’Connell Steven Colson
Tim Calabrese Gregory Murphy Patricia McDermott
Water and Sewer Rate Policy Committee
Mike Trotta – DPW Supt Rep Mike Trotta - MWRA Rep Patricia Cawley
Randy Scollins
C. David Emhardt Chris Sykes
Beautification Committee
Helen McHowell
Canton Cultural Council
Maribeth McCabe
Community Preservation Committee
C. David Emhardt George Comeau Dave McCarthy
Commission on Disabilities
Heather Cahill
Police Chief Helena Rafferty
Deputy Police Chief Thomas Keleher Deputy Police Chief Patty Sherrill Paul Close
Conservation Commission
Thomas Birmingham Robert MacDonald
Council on Aging
Ellen Donovan Richard Kulas Janet Walrod
Registrar of Voters
Tracy Kenney
Walk, Bike and Hike Committee
Patricia McDermott
Massport Advisory Committee
James Aufiero
CAASA Alliance Against Substance Abuse
Tyler Radicioni Adam Hughes Derek Folan Harriet D. Burak Janet Donnelly Mike Mahan Diane Tynan Victoria DiMaria Carolyn Elkort Barbara Casaly
Sustainability Committee
Katy Clarke Angelika Mayman Patricia McDermott
Zoning Board of Appeals
Brian C. Black
Matthew Carlton – Alternate Member Barbara St. Andre
Public Weighers
Brendan Healy Sean Goode