Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Select Board of December 7, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Meeting Agenda
December 7, 2021, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair Michael C. Loughran | Vice Chair Lisa R. Lopez Ɩ
Clerk Thomas W. Theodore I Christopher J. Connolly I John J. Connolly
Town Administrator Charles J. Aspinwall
Time |
Item |
Speaker |
5:30 PM |
EEA Planning Assistance Grant Program; Royal Street Shuttle |
L. Smead |
5:40 PM |
Museum Master Plan presentation |
V. Del Vecchio |
6:00 PM |
Presentation regarding proposed collaborative project between the Town, Schools and Revere and Son Heritage Trust |
J. Stenmon |
6:10 PM |
Request for support for CPC application to refurbish the Town’s 1925 American LaFrance Fire Engine |
C. Doody |
6:15PM |
Capital Requests Review-Fire; Public Works-Property Maintenance, Water, Sewer; Parks & Recreation |
C. Doody, M. Trotta, J. McCourt |
6:45 PM |
Action Items/New Business |
1. |
Vote to Open the Warrant for 2022 Annual Town Meeting for zoning and non-zoning articles effective Thursday, December 16, 2021 and close warrant for zoning and non-zoning articles on Friday, January 7, 2022 @ 12 noon |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Livery License for HB Sons LLC, 20 Bailey Ct., Apt B, Canton. |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Renewals of Common Victualler’s Licenses and Class II & III Dealer’s Licenses for the year 2022 |
Clerk |
4. |
Vote to Approve: Change of Manager to the Ponkapoag Civic Association, 17 Greenbriar Rd, |
Clerk |
5. |
Vote to Approve: Change of Manager for Springdale, Inc. dba Springdale’s 489 Bolivar St., Canton |
Clerk |
6. |
Vote to Approve: Application to sell Christmas Trees and Holiday Greenery Bill Traut at 4 Washington Street |
Clerk |
7. |
Vote to Approve: AFSCME Side Memo |
Clerk |
8. |
Vote to Appoint: Accounting Specialist – Accounts Payable position |
Clerk |
6:55 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 11/26/2021: $2,360,301.82 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 11/26/2021: $ 275,414.69 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 12/3/2021: $1,102,755.37 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 12/3/2021: $1,328,541.61 |
Clerk |
2. |
Reports on Sub Committees from Select Board Members |
Clerk |
7:00 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
The Select Board will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 5:30 PM in the Salah Meeting Room, 801 Washington St. |
Clerk |
7:05 PM |
Executive Session |
Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, (1860 Washington Street); to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges against, a public officer, employee or individual; to discuss strategy with respect to litigation (PFAS Manufacturer Class Action Litigation); to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining (ARPA Premium Pay); to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations (Police Contract) if the Chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating or bargaining position of the public body |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting