Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Select Board of Feb. 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Meeting Agenda
February 14, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair John J. Connolly | Vice Chair Lisa R. Lopez Ɩ
Clerk Thomas W. Theodore I Christopher J. Connolly I Michael C. Loughran
Town Administrator Charles E. Doody
Time |
Item |
Speaker |
5:30 PM |
Operating Budget Reviews-Executive Office; Human Resources; Veterans; Library |
C. Doody; J. Middleton; A. Knight; A. Capone |
6:00 PM |
Action Items/New Business |
1. |
Request for Bond Reduction-Canton Holdings |
C. Doody |
2. |
Local Initiative Program LAU Approval - Copperworks |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Police Chief Personal Service Contract |
Clerk |
4. |
Vote to Approve: PAF for Capital Planning Committee Board Secretary |
Clerk |
5. |
Authorization to notify committee members of appointment vacancies to be filled by the Select Board |
Clerk |
6. |
Vote to Appoint: Member to the Reservoir Pond Committee |
Clerk |
6:15 PM |
Action Items/Old Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Housing Production Plan |
Clerk |
2. |
Round 2 Opioid Settlement Class Action suit |
C. Doody |
6:20 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Cemetery Commitments in the amount of $5675 |
Clerk |
2. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 2/03/2023: $1,535,921.44 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 2/03/2023: $ 272,680.50 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 2/10/2023: $1,611,257.85 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 2/10/2023: $1,305,340.81 |
Clerk |
6:25 PM |
Minutes |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Minutes from the Select Board Meetings of January 31, 2023 |
Clerk |
6:30 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
Sustainability Rain Barrel Program and Sustainability Vacancies |
C. Doody |
2. |
The Select Board will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the Salah Meeting Room, 801 Washington St. |
Clerk |
6:35 PM |
Executive Session |
Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation (Kirby Drive) if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting