Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Select Board of May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Select Board
Meeting Agenda
May 24, 2022, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair Michael C. Loughran | Vice Chair Lisa R. Lopez Ɩ
Clerk Thomas W. Theodore I Christopher J. Connolly I John J. Connolly
Town Administrator Charles J. Aspinwall
Time |
Item |
Speaker |
Reorganization of the Board |
Clerk |
5:30 PM |
Public Hearing is in connection with application for a fuel storage license located at 500 Turnpike St., Canton, MA 02021, made by Titanium Group |
Clerk |
5:40 PM |
Petition from Verizon New England Inc. and NSTAR Electric Company D/B/A Eversource Energy to place One (1) JO Pole, P. 123-A/E.123-A, on the westerly side of Washington Street to a point approximately 50’ northeasterly from existing pole, P. 123, located on the westerly side of Washington Street |
Clerk |
5:50 PM |
Discussion regarding 25 Neponset Street |
J. Solomon |
6:00 PM |
Town Administrator Candidate Interview |
Chair |
6:20 PM |
Action Items/New Business |
1. |
Vote to Award: Energy Aggregation Broker Contract |
C. Aspinwall/T. Birmingham |
2. |
Williams Street gate layout |
C. Aspinwall |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Application to Obtain a Special License to Serve All Alcohol Beverages at a One-Day Event to be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, One Blue Hill River Road on October 1, 2022 at 6:00 PM until October 2, 2022 at 12:30 AM contingent upon Building Commissioner, Police Chief and Fire Chief approval |
Clerk |
4. |
Vote to Approve: Application to Obtain a Special License to Serve All Alcohol Beverages at a One-Day Event to be held at Trinity Episcopal |
Clerk |
Church, One Blue Hill River Road on June 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM until June 12, 2022 at 12:30 AM contingent upon Building Commissioner, Police Chief and Fire Chief approval |
5. |
Vote to Approve: Application to Obtain a Special License to Serve All Alcohol Beverages at a One-Day Event to be held on June 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM contingent upon Building Commissioner, Police Chief and Fire Chief approval |
Clerk |
6. |
Vote to Approve: Part-time Library Associate – Youth Adult Services job description |
Clerk |
7. |
Vote to Appoint: Assistant Park and Recreation Director |
Clerk |
8. |
Vote to Appoint: Special Heavy Equipment Operator |
Clerk |
9. |
Vote to Appoint: Parks & Recreation Summer hires |
Clerk |
10. |
Vote to Appoint: Member to Playground and Recreation Commission |
Clerk |
11. |
Vote to Appoint: Alternate Member to Zoning Board of Appeals |
Clerk |
12. |
Vote to Appoint: School Committee Representatives to: Master Plan Implementation Committee; Canton Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee; Paul Revere Heritage Commission; Sustainability; Health Insurance Advisory Committee |
Clerk |
13. |
Vote to Appoint: Member to the Beautification Committee |
Clerk |
14. |
Vote to Accept and Authorize: the use of the gift in accordance with the terms there of under MGL Ch. 44 § 53A: a donation of $300 from Mr. John Matanes to the Fire Department |
Clerk |
15. |
Vote to Approve: Certificate |
Clerk |
6:45 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Cemetery Lot/Perpetual Care Deeds |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Cemetery Commitments in the amount of $4237.50 |
Clerk |
3. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 05/13/2022: **$2,846,696.88 - debt service payments included $4,701,453.64** $ 325,689.37 $1,043,243.50 $1,332,666.80 |
Clerk |
4. |
Reports of Select Board Member Liaisons to other committees |
Clerk |
6:50 PM |
Action Items/Old Business |
1. |
Continued discussion composition of Town Planner Search committee |
Clerk |
2. |
1860 Washington Street |
M. Loughran |
3. |
ARPA Recommendations |
C. Aspinwall/R. Scollins |
4. |
Organogenesis Project Expansion Fee Waiver |
C. Aspinwall |
7:10 PM |
Minutes |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Minutes from the Select Board Meetings March 29, 2022, April 12, 2022 |
Clerk |
7:15 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
The Select Board will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the Salah Meeting Room, 801 Washington St. |
Clerk |
7:20 PM |
Executive Session |
Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, (293 York Street) if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body; to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union personnel (Deputy Police Chief Contract FY22; negotiation premium pay); to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation (Police union negotiations; negotiation premium pay) if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting
Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation (
Ezepik, Paul v.
Town of Canton) if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating
position of the public body and the chair so declares