Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Select Board of Nov. 9, 2021 joint with Canton School Committee
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Meeting Agenda
November 9, 2021, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair Michael C. Loughran | Vice Chair Lisa R. Lopez Ɩ
Clerk Thomas W. Theodore I Christopher J. Connolly I John J. Connolly
Town Administrator Charles J. Aspinwall
Time |
Item |
Speaker |
5:30 PM |
Public Hearing for an application for a license to store more than three vehicles at 20 North Street made by 20 North Street LLC, Richard J. Augugliaro, Manager, 1196 Canton Ave, Milton, MA 02186. |
Clerk |
5:35 PM |
Public Hearing to discuss a proposed amendment to the Town of Canton Traffic Rules & Regulations, by implementing a parking restriction by removing on street parking in front of 537 Washington Street |
Clerk |
5:50 PM |
Joint Meeting with School Committee to interview interested Candidates for the School Committee Vacancy |
Clerk |
6:10 PM |
ARPA Project Reviews |
M. Trotta; V. Del Vecchio |
6:30 PM |
CPA Projects Review; requests for support |
Clerk |
6:40 PM |
Discussion/Decision Special Election re: acquisition 1860 Washington Street |
Chair |
6:50 PM |
Action Items/New Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Select Board Meetings for January 2022-June 2022 |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Application to Obtain a Special License to Serve All Alcohol Beverages at a One-Day Event to be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, One Blue Hill River Road on July 23, 2022 at 6:30 PM until July 24, 2022 at 12:30 AM contingent upon Building Commissioner, Police Chief and Fire Chief approval |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Application to obtain a special license to serve alcoholic beverages at a one-day events for Winterlights at Bradley Estates, 2468B Washington St. to be held on November 19, 2021, December 7, 2021, December 22, 2021, from 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM contingent upon Building Commissioner and Fire Chief approval. |
Clerk |
4. |
Vote to Approve: Submission of Sewer Rate Relief Fund Application |
Clerk |
5. |
Vote to Approve: Closure of non-essential Municipal Offices, November 26, 2021 |
Clerk |
6. |
Vote to Approve: Abatement Request |
Clerk |
7. |
Vote to Authorize: Funds from Revolving Fund for the Paul Revere Heritage Site Rolling Mill and Open Space Fund |
Clerk |
8. |
Vote to Appoint: Department of Elder and Human Services Program Coordinator |
Clerk |
9. |
Vote to Appoint: DPW Heavy Equipment Operator |
Clerk |
10. |
Vote to Appoint: School Representative to the Cable Advisory Committee |
Clerk |
11. |
Vote to Appoint: Member to the Cultural Council |
Clerk |
12. |
Vote to Appoint: Select Board Representative to the Master Plan Implementation Committee |
Clerk |
13. |
Vote to Appoint: Member to the Canton Diversity Equity Inclusion Committee |
Clerk |
14. |
Discussion re: sticker cost for Pine Street Facility |
Clerk |
7:00 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 10/29/2021: $1,482,062.99 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 10/29/2021: $ 273,135.92 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 11/05/2021: $1,309,304.38 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 11/05/2021: $1,250,362.52 |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Cemetery Commitments in the amount of $3075 |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Cemetery Lot/Perpetual Care Deeds |
Clerk |
4. |
Reports on Sub Committees from Select Board Members |
Clerk |
7:10 PM |
Action Items/Old Business |
1. |
Approval of Special Legislation for CORI processing costs |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Federal Awards Policy |
Clerk |
7:15 PM |
Minutes |
1. |
Vote to approve: Minutes from the Select Board Meetings held on October 12, 2021 |
Clerk |
7:20 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
The Select Board will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 5:30 PM in the Salah Meeting Room, 801 Washington St. |
Clerk |
7:25 PM |
Executive Session |
Executive Session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations (Town Administrator); consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, (1860 Washington Street) if the Chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating or bargaining position of the public body |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting
Board of Health
ARPA Funding Request
Request to plow Revolution Way and sidewalks
3. Executive Session to conduct collective bargaining sessions (Police negotiations)