Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Walk, Bike Hike Committee of Oct. 21, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Thursday, October 21st, 2021 at 7:30PM Virtually via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 441 394 0217 Password: 04012020
Or call in:
646 558 8656
Welcome, introductions, review and acceptance of minutes of 9/9/21 meeting
Requests for support:
Conservation Commission, funds for the Conservation Land Fund from CCPC: This is intended to be an annual request to build up the town’s capacity to purchase desirable plots of conservation land. It also frees up funding not granted through CPA for property maintenance activities such as wayfinding signage, invasives removal, and more. For example last night the Commission voted to approve $750 out of the Fund to survey Glen Echo Pond which is owned by the commission and is listed in the 2016 list if integrated waters as impaired due to non-native invasive species. Knowing what aquatic invasives are impairing the pond is the first step towards bringing this water body back to a healthier state. Glen Echo is the headwaters of Beaver Meadow Brook which leads into Bolivar Pond, onto Forge Ponds, and into the Canton River to the Neponset.
MA Audubon Museum of American Bird Art: Would the Walk, Bike, and Hike committee be interested in supporting/collaborating on a Cultural Council Grant to the Town of Canton for a series of programs called Nature in Your Neighborhood, which is designed to strengthen community members’ comfort level, familiarity, and access to nature. The grant would provide funding for four free immersive programs that infuse nature, art, and science aimed at increasing the use of Canton's conservation land, parks, and open space. There will be two programs each for adults and families.
Family Programming
• For families, the first program occurs at a community space, like the library, and explores neighborhood birds and nesting. Learning is reinforced with a bird inspired printmaking project.
• For the second program, families will go on a guided nature walk and take-home resources that encourage nature exploration.
Adult Programming
® The first program is an illustrated lecture on spring, migration, backyard birds, and connecting with nature. It will be delivered at a community space, like the senior center or library, and if possible be rebroadcast on local cable.
• The second program will be a guided nature walk to increase the comfort level people have exploring nature.
4. 5.
Action Item updates:
Debby, Linda, Jill to continue mapping project work
All to post photos of WBH activities in town to FaceBook page
Patricia to explore trail maintenance approaches of comparable towns (Norwood,
Needham) for benchmarking
Morgan set up Google docs; some of us need training. FaceBook, webpage
Review memo from Canton Town Planner Laura Smead Farmer's Market 10/3 report (Patti, Brian, Tim)
Warner Trail update: BSC was chosen as the consultant. Kickoff meeting was held on Monday 10/18.
Trail Maintenance: discuss accomplishments, learnings, future plans from Trail Maintenance Day, 10/16; continue discussion of Trail Adopters
Calendar review, discussion of remote vs in-person Other topics from the community
10. Adjournment
Future meetings (to be discussed): Nov 18
Dec 16 (if needed)
Jan 20, 2022
Feb 17 Mar 17 Apr 21 May 18
Note: deferred to future meetings: Signage - trailheads, kiosks