Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Canton School Committee of September 7, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Canton School Committee
Open Meeting Agenda
Members of the public can access the meeting via live stream over the "Student Station" on Comcast 6 & 1070/Verizon 41 and on Verizon HD2143 as well as CantonCommunityTv.org for specific and easy links to streamed LIVE coverage of the School Committee. The LIVE link will go up on the day of the meeting.
A. Call to Order
B. (10 min.) Superintendent’s Report Superintendent Folan will present District progress, highlights,
and accolades.
C. (15 min.) Teaching and Learning Report Ms. Shannon and Ms. Rooney will share summer curriculum work.
D. Unfinished Business
1. (20 min.) Policy Updates Section F & Section G - 2nd Read (VOTE): Superintendent Folan and members of the policy subcommittee will present policy sections F & G for a 2nd read and a vote of approval.
E. New Business
(15 min.) Introduction of New Administrators: Superintendent Folan will welcome and introduce new CPS Administrators.
(10 min.) Transportation Update: Superintendent Folan and Mr. Marshall will provide a transportation update.
(15 min.) Policy - Book Reconsideration Section IJL & IJ-R (VOTE): Ms. Shannon will present policy IJL and IJ-R for a vote of approval.
(40 min.) District Goals (VOTE): Superintendent Folan will introduce the 2023-2024 District Improvement Goals for a possible vote of approval.
(15 min.) School Committee Operating Protocols - First Read: Chair O’Halloran will review the School Committee Operating Protocols for a first read.
(15 min.) Operating Budget Process and Timeline: Mr. Marshall will review the FY24 budget process and timeline.
F. (5-30 min.) Public Comment Please click here to sign up to make a public comment. Public comment allows individuals to express an opinion or share a comment on issues to be discussed on the meeting agenda and/or within the School Committee's authority. It is not an opportunity for discussion dialogue between individuals and the School Committee or Administration. To respect the time of all participants in the meeting, the totality of individual comments cannot exceed 5 minutes. For more information and guidance on making public comments, please see the CPS policies here.
September 7, 2023 |
Canton High School Distance Learning Lab 900 Washington Street Canton, MA 02021 |
6:00 PM Open Session |
G. (10 min.) Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations Report
H. (5 min.) Consent Agenda The consent agenda is designed to expedite the District's handling of routine and miscellaneous business. The School Committee may adopt the entire Consent Agenda with one motion. At the request of any committee member, any item(s) may be removed and placed on the Regular Agenda for discussion. Note: per Robert’s Rules of Order: A member’s absence from the meeting for which minutes are being approved does not prevent the member from participating in their correction or approval.
1. Regular Session Minutes: August 3, 2023, August 15 Workshop, August 17, 2023 2. Executive Session Minutes: August 17, 2023
3. Warrants: September 8, 2023.
(5 min.) Update of Sub-Committee, Task Force and Liaison Posts In addition to the core role of governing our schools, the Canton School Committee creates, participates in, and/or designates representatives to help manage issues of particular importance to the school district or town. They are listed below for reference in order to prompt priority updates from or questions of representatives as relevant.
Subcommittees and Negotiation Teams - Policy, Budget and Finance, Units A&E Contracts, AFSCME Units Contract
School Committee Ad Hoc Task Forces/CPS Advisory Committees - Content and Communications, District Planning Process Design, Superintendent Evaluation Process Design, Security and Safety Review, Routine District Attorney Review
Liaisons Appointed to Positions on Joint Committees - Master Planning Implementation Committee (MPIC), Canton Community Preservation Committee (CCPC), Building and Renovations Committee (BRC), Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion (CDEI), Sustainability, Health Insurance Advisory Committee (HIC), Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA), CPS Wellness/SWAG, GMS MSBA School Building Committee, GMS MSBA Design Project TeamCommittee
Liaisons to CPS or Town Boards, Committees, and Municipally-Governed Groups - Annual Town Meeting Prep Committee, Select Board, Town Finance Committee, Capital Planning
Liaisons to Groups Serving Canton Public Schools - CAPT, Student Advisory Committee
Liaisons to Regional Organizations - Teaching Education Collaborative (TEC), Massachusetts
Association of School Committees (MASC)
Other Business Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Future Business The next Open Session meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 21, 2023 @ 6:00 pm.
L. Adjournment
The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Select Board of August 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Meeting Agenda
August 29, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair Thomas W. Theodore | Vice-Chair John J. Connolly Ɩ Clerk Michael C. Loughran I Christopher M. Albert I John R. McCourt
Town Administrator Charles E. Doody
Estimated Time |
Item |
Speaker |
5:30 PM |
Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting as judged by GFOA for the Town’s FYE 2022 Annual Financial Comprehensive Report |
Chair |
5:40 PM |
Library Culinary Literacy Grant Announcement and request for |
A. Capone; Friends of the Library |
5:50 PM |
Action Items/New Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Ambulance uncollectible bills |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Southeastern Regional Services Group (SERSG) DPW Supply Award for 7/1/23-6/30/2024 |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Southeastern Regional Services Group (SERSG) Water and Sewer Treatment Chemical Award for 7/1/23-6/30/2024 |
Clerk |
4. |
Vote to Approve: Southeastern Regional Services Group (SERSG) Paper Contract for 7/1/23-6/30/2024 |
Clerk |
5. |
Vote to Approve: One-day Entertainment Permit for Trillium Brewing Company, Inc., 100 Royall St. on September 17, 2023 from 12:00 PM-6:00 PM to be held on the Outdoor Patio contingent upon Police, Fire and ZBA and Building approval |
Clerk |
6. |
Vote to Approve: One-day Entertainment Permit for Trillium Brewing Company, Inc., 100 Royall St. on October 8, 2023 from 12:00 PM-6:00 PM to be held on the Outdoor Patio contingent upon Police, Fire and ZBA and Building approval |
Clerk |
7. |
Vote to Approve: One-day Entertainment Permit for Trillium Brewing Company, Inc., 100 Royall St. on September 24, 2023 for the CABI Road Race from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM and requesting alcohol service to begin at 10:00 AM to be held on the Outdoor Patio contingent upon Police, Fire and ZBA and Building approval |
Clerk |
8. |
Vote to Approve: Request to hold a Block Party on Hemlock Drive and a request for one day Entertainment on September 16, 2023 from 3 PM-6 PM (raindate September 23, 2023 3PM-6 PM) contingent upon Fire and Police approval |
Clerk |
9. |
Vote to Approve: Request to hold a Block Party on Redman Road on September 10, 2023 from 1 PM-5 PM contingent upon Fire and Police approval |
Clerk |
10. |
Vote to Appoint: Highway and Maintenance Supervisor-Lawrence Bogue |
Clerk |
11. |
Vote to Appoint: Parks and Recreation Facilities Maintenance Worker-Timothy Ford |
Clerk |
12. |
Vote to Appoint: Parks and Recreation Grounds Maintenance Worker-Dakota Carpenter |
Clerk |
13. |
Vote to Appoint: Heavy Equipment Operator-Highway- Michael Chase |
Clerk |
14. |
Vote to Approve: PAF for Part-Time Public Health Nurse-Barbara St. George |
Clerk |
15. |
Vote to Appoint: Crossing Guard – Deborah Lamb |
Clerk |
16. |
Vote to Appoint: Parks and Recreation Rink Seasonal Staff: Maya Aldrich, Victoria Carr, Julianne Creedon, Isabell Digirolamo, Patrick Drury, Tyler Findlen, Edward McDonough, Regan McDonough, James Podgurski, Caitlin Tureski, Allan White |
Clerk |
17. |
Vote to Re-Appoint: Members to the Affordable Housing Trust John McSweeney-Housing Authority Representative Randy Scollins- Finance Director |
Clerk |
18. |
Vote to Dissolve: Saint Gerard Reuse Committee |
Clerk |
19. |
Future Select Board Meeting time discussion |
Chair |
20. |
Discussion of Canton moving forward |
Chair |
6:20 PM |
Action Items/Old Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Public Comment Period Policy |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Recommended Procurement/Credit Card Policies & Procedures and Employee Expense Reimbursement Policy |
Clerk |
6:25 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 8/11/2023: $1,628,848.46 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 8/11/2023: $1,350,765.75 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 8/18/2023: $2,414,367.04 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 8/18/2023: $333,290.11 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 8/25/2023: $1,379,354.24 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 8/25/2023: $2,025,110.36 |
Clerk |
6:30 PM |
Minutes |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Minutes from the Select Board Meeting of August 8, 2023 |
Clerk |
6:35 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
“Notify Me” website Tool Reminder |
C. Doody |
2. |
Announcement of Canton Projects in FY24 Senate Budget |
C. Doody |
3. |
The Select Board will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 5:30 p.m. in the Salah Meeting Room, Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street |
Clerk |
4. |
Public Comment Period (15 minutes) |
Chair |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting
1. Permission to use 1860 Washington Street Parking Lot for Recycling Drive

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Zoning Board of August 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Meeting starts at 6PM Salah Meeting Room, 2nd Floor
Danielle & Ray Ripple/PBZ Construction, Inc. – 14 Cape Cod Lane – 39-23-ENCB-SP-V Dimensional relief to construct an addition to a pre-existing non-conforming dwelling
Everything’s Fine, LLC – 100 Royall Street – 40-23-SPA-SP-V
Modify existing site plan to reconstruct a portion of the existing building to be used as a distillery and to construct and install four silos over 25’ in height
Canton Copperworks, LLC – 0 Revere Street
Minor Modification to Site Plan from zoning decision 34-20-SPA-SP-V to modify the method of stabilizing Lot 8B
CONTINUATIONS TO BE DISCUSSED Mike Judge – 17 Lincolnshire Drive – 30-23-ENCB-SP-V(GP, BS, BB)
Dimensional relief to construct an addition to a pre-existing non-conforming dwelling
Board Business
Minutes from previous meeting
Decisions from previous meeting
Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chairman 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Adjourn
Next meeting: September 14, 2023

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
School Committee of August 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Canton School Committee
Open Meeting Agenda
Chan of Exel: Creg a Cul of Acime, Equ, Iniro an Joy
Members of the public can access the meeting via live stream over the "Student Station" on Comcast 12/Verizon 41 and on Verizon HD2143 as well as CantonCommunityTv.org for specific and easy links to streamed LIVE coverage of the School Committee. The LIVE link will go up on the day of the meeting.
Call to Order
Executive Session To conduct strategy with respect to collective bargaining as an open meeting may have a
detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body.
(10 min.) Superintendent’s Report Superintendent Folan will present District progress, highlights, and accolades.
Unfinished Business
1. (20 min.) School Handbooks - 2nd Read (VOTE): School handbooks will be presented for a 2nd
read and a vote of approval.
New Business
(5 min.) GMS & Hansen School Nurse Appointments (VOTE): Ms. Lauren Pushard will present two school nurse appointments for a vote of approval.
(20 min.) Policy Updates Section F & Section G - 1st Read: Superintendent Folan and members of the policy subcommittee will present policy sections F & G for a 1st read and possible vote of approval.
(10 min.) CEA Unit A Side Letters (VOTE): Superintendent Folan will present two Unit A Side Letters, Assistant Principal and MLL Coordinator, for review and a vote of approval.
(10 min.) Enrollment Update: Mr. Marshall will provide an enrollment update.
(10 min.) Fee Schedule (VOTE): Mr. Marshall will present the proposed fee schedule for the
2023-2024 school year.
(5-30 min.) Public Comment Please click here to sign up to make a public comment. Public comment allows individuals to express an opinion or share a comment on issues to be discussed on the meeting agenda and/or within the School Committee's authority. It is not an opportunity for discussion dialogue between individuals and the School Committee or Administration. To respect the time of all participants in the meeting, the totality of individual comments cannot exceed 5 minutes. For more information and guidance on making public comments, please see the CPS policies here.
(10 min.) Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations Report
(5 min.) Consent Agenda The consent agenda is designed to expedite the District's handling of routine and miscellaneous business. The School Committee may adopt the entire Consent Agenda with one motion. At the request of any committee member, any item(s) may be removed and placed on the Regular Agenda for discussion. Note: per Robert’s Rules of Order: A member’s absence from the meeting for which minutes are being approved does not prevent the member from participating in their correction or approval.
August 17, 2023 |
Canton High School Distance Learning Lab 900 Washington Street Canton, MA 02021 |
5:30 PM Executive Session 6:00 PM Open Session |
1. Regular Session Minutes: August 3, 2023 2. Warrants: August 18, 2023.
(5 min.) Update of Sub-Committee, Task Force and Liaison Posts In addition to the core role of governing our schools, the Canton School Committee creates, participates in, and/or designates representatives to help manage issues of particular importance to the school district or town. They are listed below for reference in order to prompt priority updates from or questions of representatives as relevant.
Subcommittees and Negotiation Teams - Policy, Budget and Finance, Units A&E Contracts, AFSCME Units Contract
School Committee Ad Hoc Task Forces/CPS Advisory Committees - Content and Communications, District Planning Process Design, Superintendent Evaluation Process Design, Security and Safety Review, Routine District Attorney Review
Liaisons Appointed to Positions on Joint Committees - Master Planning Implementation Committee (MPIC), Canton Community Preservation Committee (CCPC), Building and Renovations Committee (BRC), Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion (CDEI), Sustainability, Health Insurance Advisory Committee (HIC), Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA), CPS Wellness/SWAG, GMS MSBA School Building Committee, GMS MSBA Design Project TeamCommittee
Liaisons to CPS or Town Boards, Committees, and Municipally-Governed Groups - Annual Town Meeting Prep Committee, Select Board, Town Finance Committee, Capital Planning
Liaisons to Groups Serving Canton Public Schools - CAPT, Student Advisory Committee
Liaisons to Regional Organizations - Teaching Education Collaborative (TEC), Massachusetts Association
of School Committees (MASC)
Other Business Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Future Business The next Open Session meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 7, 2023 @ 6:00 pm.
The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Planning Board of August 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Patricia McDermott, Chair David McCarthy, Vice Chair Kathy Gibbs McCormack, Clerk Joseph Amrhein, Member
Jim Quigley, Member
801 Washington Street Salah Meeting Room
6:30 P.M.
( 1 ) Jeff Sullivan (Walk, Bike and Hike) Discussion regarding Planning Board Support
for the Mary E. Wentworth Boardwalk and Recreation Site Renovation.
( 2 ) ONE GREENWOOD ROAD (ANR) – (Applicant, Lawrence Walsh, Trustee; Suzanne Matthews, Attorney)
( 3 ) 100 ROYALL STREET (TESLA Charging Stations) - (Robert Glenn, Matthew Tilden, Dewberry Engineers, Edward Noseworthy, Tim Nies, Tesla
( 4 ) 100 ROYALL STREET (Everything's Fine, LLC) - Amendment of Existing Special Permit, Additional Special Permits, Site Plan Review for Modification of use (wine making and distillery use) and Site Plan Modification including installation of an access drive/walkway, tanks, and parking modification (Brian S. Grossman, Esq., Bowditch & Dewey, LLP, Framingham, MA 01702).
( 5 ) Discussion on Requesting New Scenic Way Signs – (Chair Patricia McDermott)
( 6 ) Rescinded COPPERWOOD Subdivision (468-474 Neponset Street) – Approval of a five (5) lot Definitive Subdivision (existing house, drainage lot, & 3 single family homes) – March, 2018.
( 7 ) Approval to the Annual Update to the GIS Map ( 8 ) Review & Approval of July 12, 2023 Minutes
Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Next Meeting: September 6, 2023

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Zoning Board of Appeals of August 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
Meeting starts at 6PM Salah Meeting Room, 2nd Floor
Judith Joseph & Jean-Wilfrid Hypolite – 40 Wildewood Drive – 37-23-SP-V
Construct an addition to an existing single-family dwelling to be used as an accessory apartment
Astrea Bioseperations US, Inc. – 960R Turnpike Street – 38-23-SPA-ENCB/U-SPV Alteration of a non-conforming structure or use, signs, reduced parking, flood plain, ground water protection to operate a manufacturing business with associated warehouse and offices
70 Hudson Rd BCT Trust – 70 Hudson Road
Minor Modification to Site Plan to add additional retaining wall in rear of building Ref: 21-22-Mod SPA-SP-V
Board Business
Minutes from previous meeting
Decisions from previous meeting
Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chairman 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Adjourn
Next meeting: August 24, 2023

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Conservation Meeting of August 9, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
CONSERVATION COMMISSION Tavern Room, Pequitside Farm
79 Pleasant Street, Canton, MA 02021 Wednesday August 9, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. AGENDA
7:00 P.M. Open Meeting
Minutes: July 12, 2023
Public hearings will be taken in order
Wetland Notice of Intent, Bolivar and Shepard Pond, Charlie Doody, Town of Canton, Parcel ID #s 24-43 and 40-41, DEP File #124-1334. For the treatment of non-native, invasive aquatic plants with EPA/MA approved herbicides within Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways, Bank, and Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.
Wetland Notice of Intent, 126 Indian Lane, Christopher & Alison Glass, Parcel ID #100-177, DEP File #124-1333.
For construction of a single-family home which includes a 1,364 ft. long, 18 ft. wide gravel driveway, a 6” water main, new hydrant, and a septic system. Work proposed in 100 Foot Buffer and 30 Foot No Disturbance Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
Wetland Request for Determination of Applicability from LMA Services Company, LLC, 1 Dell Pond Drive, Parcel ID #78-2, RDA File #145-23. For removal and replacement of an existing concrete slab at paved walkway in Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways and Bank of a stream.
Wetland Request for Determination of Applicability from LMA Services Company, LLC, 1 Dell Pond Drive, Parcel ID #78-2, RDA File #146-23. For removal and replacement of an existing gazebo at the southwest corner of the site within 100 Feet of Reservoir Pond.
Wetland Notice of Intent, 100 Energy Drive, Bradley Hall, Canton Property Owner, LLC c/o Capital Hall Partners, LLC, Parcel ID # 75-8, DEP File #124-1332. (continued from July 12, 2023).
Wetland Notice of Intent, 0 Revere Street, 60 Coppersmith Way and 50 Coppersmith Way, Bernie Plante, Canton Holdings LLC, Parcel ID 15-86, 15-194 and 15-150, C-02-23 (continued from April 12, 2023, April 26, 2023, May 24, 2023, June 14, 2023, June 28, 2023, July 12, 2023).
Enforcement Order 888 Turnpike Street, Parcel 89-6, Adeyemi James Adeboyega.
For unpermitted work within Bordering Vegetated Wetlands/Vegetated Wetlands and within the 100 Foot Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.
08/09/2023 Agenda Page 1 of 3
CONSERVATION COMMISSION Tavern Room, Pequitside Farm
79 Pleasant Street, Canton, MA 02021 Wednesday August 9, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. AGENDA
2 Overlook Road Matthew deMello DEP File #124-1204
FULL Parcel ID #110-4
For construction of a 10’x22’ addition to an existing single-family home and replacement of existing septic system within 100 feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
15 Balancing Rock Road Paul Shuman DEP File #124-1193
FULL Parcel ID #91-14
For installation of a 20’x40’ in-ground pool and 3’ retaining wall within 100 feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
1010 Turnpike Street, 1010 Turnpike LLC/Premier Fence LLC, DEP File 124-1124/LDP File #0156-14 FULL Parcel ID #88-9
For construction of commercial building, paved parking lot, access drives, site grading, site utilities, stormwater management system, landscaping within 100 feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
200 New Boston Drive Irish Cultural Center DEP File #124-583
FULL Parcel ID #74-16
For the installation of an access drive on New Boston Drive within 30 Foot No Disturbance Zone and 100 feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland and 200 feet of Beaver Meadow Brook.
200 New Boston Drive Irish Cultural Center DEP File #124-616
FULL Parcel ID #74-16
For the construction of a clubhouse building, driveways, parking lots, playing fields and appurtenances within 30 Foot No Disturbance Zone and 100 feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland and 200 feet of Beaver Meadow Brook.
20 Stillwater Road, Lot 2, Canton Reserve Bohler Engineering, Matthew Ashley DEP File #124-1262/LDP #330-20 FULL Parcel ID # 101-94
For construction of a new single-family home with associated municipal utilities, driveway and roof top stormwater management system within 100 feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
30 Stillwater Road, Lot 3, Canton Reserve Bohler Engineering, Matthew Ashley DEP File #124-1263/LDP #331-20 FULL Parcel ID #101-95
For construction of a new single family home with associated municipal utilities, driveway and roof top stormwater management system within 100 feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
40 Stillwater Road, Lot 4, Canton Reserve, Bohler Engineering, Matthew Ashley SMP File #197-20/LDP #346-20 FULL Parcel ID #101-96
For the construction of a single-family home with associated driveway, grading, and stormwater management system.
08/09/2023 Agenda Page 2 of 3
CONSERVATION COMMISSION Tavern Room, Pequitside Farm
79 Pleasant Street, Canton, MA 02021 Wednesday August 9, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. AGENDA
60 Stillwater Road, Lot 6, Canton Reserve, Bohler Engineering, Matthew Ashley SMP File #200-20/LDP File #348-20 FULL Parcel ID #101-98
For the construction of a single-family home with associated driveway, grading, and stormwater management system.
Canton Community Garden complaint against Robert Estabrook.
Update on quotes for property signage
• Eversource Energy Notice Letter dated June 15, 2023 of Herbicide Treatment along power line rights of way and Eversource 5 Year Vegetation Plan for 2023-2027.
08/09/2023 Agenda Page 3 of 3

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Select Board of August 8, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Meeting Agenda
August 8, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair Thomas W. Theodore | Vice-Chair John J. Connolly Ɩ Clerk Michael C. Loughran I Christopher M. Albert I John R. McCourt
Town Administrator Charles E. Doody
Estimated Time
5:30 PM
Public Hearing regarding the application for a Pledge of Inventory, Pledge of License and a Transfer of a Section 15 All Alcohol Liquor License from Shields Fine Wine, LLC to Canton Cobbs Corner Liq., Inc. dba The Wild Duck Wine and Spirits located at 100 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021
5:40 PM
Approval for work hours for transmission structure replacement project in ROW along High St
J. Blandino
5:50 PM
Police Department Body Camera update
Chief Rafferty
6:00 PM
Saint Gerard Reuse Committee Executive Summary
G. Manning/C. Doody
6:10 PM
Action Items/New Business
Proposed Credit Card Policy/Proposed Expense Reimbursement Policy
R. Scollins
Vote to Approve: Purchase of 27 Neponset Street
Vote to Authorize: use of up to $20,000 from mitigation for the purchase of 27 Neponset Street
Vote to Amend: Public Comment Period Policy
Vote to Re-Appoint: Members to the Affordable Housing Trust- Charles Doody-Town Administrator
Randy Scollins-Finance Director
Michael Loughran-Select Board Representative John McSweeney-Housing Authority |
6. |
Vote to Approve: Application to Obtain a Special License to Serve All Alcohol Beverages at a One-Day Event to be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, One Blue Hill River Road on September 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM until September 24, 2023 at 12:30 AM contingent upon Building Commissioner, Police Chief and Fire Chief approval |
Clerk |
7. |
Vote to Approve: Request to hold a Block Party on Longmeadow Drive on September 9, 2023 from 4 PM-10 PM (raindate September 10, 2023 4 PM-10 PM) contingent upon Fire and Police approval |
Clerk |
8. |
Vote to Accept and Authorize: the use of the gift in accordance with the terms there of under MGL Ch. 44 § 53A; the donation of $4000 from Victor Del Vecchio and Alicia R. Lopez Family Fund for the Department of Elder and Human Services Physical Fitness Programming |
Clerk |
9. |
Vote to Accept and Authorize: the use of the gift in accordance with the terms there of under MGL Ch. 44 § 53A; the donation of $1000 from Victor Del Vecchio and Alicia R. Lopez Family Fund for the Veteran’s Department |
Clerk |
10. |
Vote to Approve: Staff Engineer job description |
Clerk |
6:25 PM |
Action Items/Old Business |
1. |
Vote to Authorize: use of mitigation for one time capital start up fee of $10,000 for participation in Norfolk County Weights and Measures program |
Clerk |
6:30 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 7/21/2023: $2,390,933.90 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 7/21/2023: $ 331,503.43 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 7/28/2023: $4,536,338.55 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 7/28/2023: $1,389,748.63 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 8/04/2023: $1,735,402.00 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 8/04/2023: $ 412,039.96 |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Perpetual Care Deeds |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve Cemetery Commitment in the amount of $2475 |
Clerk |
6:35 PM |
Minutes |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Minutes from Select Board Meeting of July 25, 2023 |
Clerk |
6:40 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
Acknowledgement to resident for Department of Elder and Human Services |
Clerk |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Canton School Committee of Aug. 3, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Canton School Committee
Open Meeting Agenda Aug. 3, 2023
Members of the public can access the meeting via live stream over the "Student Station" on Comcast 12/Verizon 41 and on Verizon HD2143 as well as CantonCommunityTv.org for specific and easy links to streamed LIVE coverage of the School Committee. The LIVE link will go up on the day of the meeting.
Call to Order
(10 min.) Superintendent’s Report Superintendent Folan will present District progress, highlights, and
(45 min.) MSBA Update and Presentation: Superintendent Folan will introduce members of Ai3 and LeftField, GMS Design Firm and OPM.
(45 min.) School Handbooks (1st Read): Principals will present school handbooks for a 1st read.
(5 min.) School Calendar Update/Revision (VOTE): Principal Sperling will present a revision to
the CPS 2023-24 school calendar reflecting a change in the CHS graduation date.
(5 min.) Policy JLCD, JPP-7 Administration of Medications (VOTE): Superintendent Folan and
members of the policy subcommittee will review the policy and request a vote of approval.
(5 min.) Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations Contract (VOTE): Superintendent
Folan will recommend appointment and present contract for a vote of approval.
(15 min.) Non-Aligned Salary Increases (VOTE): Mr. Marshall will present the 2023-2024 school
year proposed salary increases.
(5-30 min.) Public Comment Please click here to sign up to make a public comment. Public comment allows individuals to express an opinion or share a comment on issues to be discussed on the meeting agenda and/or within the School Committee's authority. It is not an opportunity for discussion dialogue between individuals and the School Committee or Administration. To respect the time of all participants in the meeting, the totality of individual comments cannot exceed 5 minutes. For more information and guidance on making public comments, please see the CPS policies here.
(10 min.) Director of Finance and Operations Report
(5 min.) Consent Agenda The consent agenda is designed to expedite the District's handling of routine and miscellaneous business. The School Committee may adopt the entire Consent Agenda with one motion. At the request of any committee member, any item(s) may be removed and placed on the Regular Agenda for discussion. Note: per Robert’s Rules of Order: A member’s absence from the meeting for which minutes are being approved does not prevent the member from participating in their correction or approval.
Regular Session Minutes: May 25, 2023, July 13, 2023, July 13 Workshop
Executive Session Minutes: July 13, 2023
Warrants: July 21, August 4- 2023.
(5 min.) Update of Sub-Committee, Task Force and Liaison Posts In addition to the core role of governing our schools, the Canton School Committee creates, participates in, and/or designates representatives to help
August 3, 2023 |
Canton High School Distance Learning Lab 900 Washington Street Canton, MA 02021 |
6:00 PM Open Session |
manage issues of particular importance to the school district or town. They are listed below for reference in order to prompt priority updates from or questions of representatives as relevant.
Subcommittees and Negotiation Teams - Policy, Budget and Finance, Units A&E Contracts, AFSCME Units Contract
School Committee Ad Hoc Task Forces/CPS Advisory Committees - Content and Communications, District Planning Process Design, Superintendent Evaluation Process Design, Security and Safety Review, Routine District Attorney Review
Liaisons Appointed to Positions on Joint Committees - Master Planning Implementation Committee (MPIC), Canton Community Preservation Committee (CCPC), Building and Renovations Committee (BRC), Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion (CDEI), Sustainability, Health Insurance Advisory Committee (HIC), Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA), CPS Wellness/SWAG, GMS MSBA School Building Committee, GMS MSBA Design Project TeamCommittee
Liaisons to CPS or Town Boards, Committees, and Municipally-Governed Groups - Annual Town Meeting Prep Committee, Select Board, Town Finance Committee, Capital Planning
Liaisons to Groups Serving Canton Public Schools - CAPE, CAPT, Student Advisory Committee
Liaisons to Regional Organizations - Teaching Education Collaborative (TEC), Massachusetts Association
of School Committees (MASC)
Other Business Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Future Business The next Open Session meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 17, 2023 @ 6:00 pm.
The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
St. Gerards’ Reuse Committee Meeting of Aug. 2, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
St Gerard’s Reuse Committee Meeting Wednesday, August 2, 2023 - 6:00 PM Pequitside Tavern, 79 Pleasant St
I. Review of Past Meeting Minutes and Vote to Approve
JUL i 9 2023
Finalization of the Draft Report to the Select Board (Meeting August 8)
Confinn Final Steps and Completion Date Needed for PowerPoint Deck to Select Board
Old Business, New Business