Canton MA, Select Board Meetings plus other town government meeting audio available to you ‘‘on the go.” Made available by Canton Community TV. Watch meetings LIVE or download the video version by going to: CantonCommunityTv.org You also may like: The Canton Community MA Station Podcast: https://cantoncommunitystation.podbean.com

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Select Board of Feb. 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Meeting Agenda
February 14, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair John J. Connolly | Vice Chair Lisa R. Lopez Ɩ
Clerk Thomas W. Theodore I Christopher J. Connolly I Michael C. Loughran
Town Administrator Charles E. Doody
Time |
Item |
Speaker |
5:30 PM |
Operating Budget Reviews-Executive Office; Human Resources; Veterans; Library |
C. Doody; J. Middleton; A. Knight; A. Capone |
6:00 PM |
Action Items/New Business |
1. |
Request for Bond Reduction-Canton Holdings |
C. Doody |
2. |
Local Initiative Program LAU Approval - Copperworks |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Police Chief Personal Service Contract |
Clerk |
4. |
Vote to Approve: PAF for Capital Planning Committee Board Secretary |
Clerk |
5. |
Authorization to notify committee members of appointment vacancies to be filled by the Select Board |
Clerk |
6. |
Vote to Appoint: Member to the Reservoir Pond Committee |
Clerk |
6:15 PM |
Action Items/Old Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Housing Production Plan |
Clerk |
2. |
Round 2 Opioid Settlement Class Action suit |
C. Doody |
6:20 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Cemetery Commitments in the amount of $5675 |
Clerk |
2. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 2/03/2023: $1,535,921.44 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 2/03/2023: $ 272,680.50 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 2/10/2023: $1,611,257.85 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 2/10/2023: $1,305,340.81 |
Clerk |
6:25 PM |
Minutes |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Minutes from the Select Board Meetings of January 31, 2023 |
Clerk |
6:30 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
Sustainability Rain Barrel Program and Sustainability Vacancies |
C. Doody |
2. |
The Select Board will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the Salah Meeting Room, 801 Washington St. |
Clerk |
6:35 PM |
Executive Session |
Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation (Kirby Drive) if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee of Feb. 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM EST Town Hall, Salah Meeting Room
1. Approve 12-12-22 and 1-9-23 meeting minutes
2. BHM event update
3. PRHS Canton Heritage Festival/AAPI event update
4. MA State Ethics Commission's Municipal Employee Online Training
5. Update on Boards and Committees Communication Forum held on 2/7/23
Speaker Series Sub-Committee
Pride Flag Raising Sub-Committee
8. Miscellaneous
FEB 8 2023
town clerk CANTON, MA

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Canton Community Preservation Committee Meeting of February 13, 2023,
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
February 13, 2023, 7:00PM
Armando Center Meeting Room 92 Pleasant Street, Canton, MA
Hearing called to order -
closing dates
community outreach data
Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chairmen 48 hours in advance of
Next Meeting: TBD

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Zoning Board of Feb. 9, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
February 09, 2023
Meeting starts at 6PM Salah Meeting Room, 2nd Floor
Bill Peterson/C.F. McCarthy’s/Gilmar Cassiano, Steven Carvey, and Donald Malkin – 614 Washington Street – 5-23-Mod SPA-SP-V
Construct a new second story deck to an existing structure
Graeme Smith & Julie Goodman – 250 Chapman Street – 6-23-SP-V
Construct a new 40’x36’two story carriage house/garage to store more then five vehicles on the property
Rolling Hills Development, LLC/980 Turnpike Street Development Trust – 980 Turnpike Street – 7-23-SP-V
Special Permit to use the premises as a film production studio
30 Dan Property Owner, LLC – 30 Dan Road - 44-22-Mod SPA-SP-V(GP, JM, MK) Modification of Site Plan Approval for the construction of a penthouse for mechanical equipment approximately 21,440 sq. ft. and 18’ in height on the existing commercial building
Kenneth Wertz/Julie Callagee – 1825 Washington Street – 2-23-ENCB-SP-V(GP, JM, MK) Dimensional relief to construct a deck to connect the main house to the existing barn
Board Business
Minutes from previous meeting
Decisions from previous meeting
Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chairman 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Adjourn
Next meeting: February 23, 2023

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Conservation of Feb. 8, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
CONSERVATION COMMISSION Tavern Room, Pequitside Farm
79 Pleasant Street, Canton, MA 02021 Wednesday February 8, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. AGENDA
7:00 P.M. Open Meeting
Minutes: January 25, 2023
Public hearings will be taken in order
530 Turnpike Street, Michael Coskren/Oliver Street Capital, Parcel ID 91-1, 91-16, 91-18 & 77-8,
DEP File 124-13XX. For the construction of a 100,000 sq. ft. single story warehouse building with stormwater management systems within 100 Feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland and within Riverfront Area to York Brook.
Wetland Notice of Intent, 25 Nasir Ahmad Road, Lucas Environmental, Parcel ID 11-2, DEP File #124-1323.
For the construction of a Wireless Communication Facility within 100 Feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland and within Riverfront Area of Massapoag Brook.
Wetland Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation, 530 Turnpike Street, Michael Coskren/Oliver Street Capital, Parcel ID 91-1, 91-16, 91-18 & 77-8, DEP File 124-1322. For the delineation of the wetland resource areas (Continued from December 14, 2022, January 25, 2023).
Wetland Notice of Intent, 50 John Road, Canton Manufactured Gravel, Parcel ID 75-12, DEP File #124-1319.
(Continued from September 14, 2022, September 28, 2022, October 12, 2022, November 9, 2022, December 14, 2022, January 25, 2023)
Request for Extension, Canton Reserve (a/k/a Stillwater Estates), DEP File #124-1201
For construction of a 40-lot subdivision with associated roadway, utilities, and stormwater management systems within 100 Feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.
Request for a minor modification to C-01-22 31 Green Street. Request to consider changes to septic system design increase to be a minor modification to the site plans within 100 Feet of Vegetated Wetlands.
150 Dan Road DEP File #124-235
For the construction of a 79,500 s.f. commercial building with parking areas and appurtenances within 100 Feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
2/8/2023 Agenda Page 1 of 2
CONSERVATION COMMISSION Tavern Room, Pequitside Farm
79 Pleasant Street, Canton, MA 02021 Wednesday February 8, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. AGENDA
980 Turnpike Street
For Construction of a 32,000 sq. ft. building, parking, grading, utilities and installation of a stormwater management system within the 30 ft. buffer zone and 100 ft. buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
Green Seal Environmental, LLC DEP File #124-1215 [Parcel ID #89-12]
Discuss regarding offer of donation of land to Conservation from Stuart Needleman of Milford, MA consisting of .062 acres/2,684 s.f. at 0 Lake Road, Map 110 Parcel 117
Sign Commonwealth of Massachusetts Conservation Restriction Application Municipal Certification form for submission to EEA’s Division of Conservation Services of Stillwater Estates/Canton Reserve CR
Vote to approve spending up to $4,500 to hire Water and Wetlands LLC to treat 17 acres of non-native, invasive garlic mustard at Pequitside Farm with Triclopyr in May 2023 out of Conservation “Special Fund” – current fund balance $19,126.46
Notice of Eversource Energy Right-of-Way Vegetation Maintenance Activities ROW 4A, E, W
Notice of Environmental sampling, MA DEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, 702 Neponset Street
2/8/2023 Agenda Page 2 of 2

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
School Committee of Feb. 2, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Open Meeting Agenda
CfianfiohS' offfxce//ence: Creating o. fu/fuxe of/tc/v'everneht, ffgaity, IhS'piratiok. ancfJoy
February 2, 2023
Canton High School 900 Washington Street Canton MA 02021 Distance Learning Lab
JAN 3 0 2023
5:00 PM ELA Workshop 6:00 PM Open Session
Members of the public can access the meeting via live stream over the "Student Station" on Comcast 12/Verizon 41 and on Verizon HD2143 as well as CantonCommunityTv.org for specific and easy links to streamed LIVE coverage of the School Committee. The LIVE link will go up on the day of the meeting.
A. Call to Order
B. (60 min.) ELA Workshop Ms. Rooney and Ms. Abrams will review the elementary literacy curriculum.
C. (5 min.) Student Advisor Report Ms. Samantha Vrabel will share the student member report about GMS events. D. (15 min.) Superintendent's Report Superintendent Folan will present District progress, highlights, and accolades. E. (20 min.) Teaching and Learning Report Principal Mulhern will share an update on instructional practices at GMS. F. Unfinished Business
1. (20 min.) FY24 Budget (VOTE): Mr. Marshall will present the FY24 Budget for a final read and a vote of approval.
G. New Business
(10 min.) GMS CAPT Honors: GMS CAPT member(s) will present highlights of its work and discuss current
and anticipated volunteer opportunities.
(45 min.) GMS Program of Studies (VOTE): Principal Mulhern will present the 2023-2024 GMS Program of
Studies for a vote of approval.
(10 min.) Early Childhood Tuition Proposal (VOTE): Ms. Kilday will present the proposed 2023-2024 PreK
tuition rates.
(15 min.) Policy Section D - 1st Read: Superintendent Folan and members of the policy subcommittee will
present Section D of the CPS policy manual for a 1st read.
(5 min.) Negotiations Update: Superintendent Folan and Chair Merenda will provide an update on the CTA
(15 min.) District Goal Update: Superintendent Folan will report on Priority #3, Goal #2 - By June 2023, the
Canton Public Schools will create a shared vision for high-quality curriculum planning, instruction, and assessment across the District.
1. Create the structure and system to facilitate monthly district-wide learning walks focused on the set of district-wide expectations that provide feedback.
2. Define and develop a common set of district-wide expectations around best practices in teaching and learning to be used as look fors in the implementation of learningwalks utilizing the DESE Model Educator Rubric and resources and current district data.
3. Debrief as a district leadership team after each monthly walk to discuss the observations made regarding the area(s) of focus, develop potential trends and patterns, and engage in
feedback & discussion regarding how the school can make progress regarding the area(s) of focus with faculty.
4. Engage teachers in conversations regarding feedback from the district-wide learning walks and the trends and patterns identified at the building level, elementary, and middle school
level, and district-wide in order to inform future practice and to provide feedback into the vision for curriculum, instruction and assessment.
5. Build a data collection system to gather data regarding data collected on learning walks for analysis to inform the teaching, learning, and leading.
6. Utilize data to drive curriculum implementation conversations.
7. Continue the Ed Eval Ad Hoc Committee to evaluate and revise the current educator evaluation
Subcommittees and Negotiation Teams - Policy, Budget and Finance, Units A&E Contracts, AFSCME Units Contract School Committee Ad Hoc Task Forces/CPS Advisory Committees - Content and Communications, District Planning Process Design, Superintendent Evaluation Process Design
Liaisons Appointed to Positions on Joint Committees - Master Planning Implementation Committee (MPIC), Canton Community Preservation Committee (CCPC), Building and Renovations Committee (BRC), Canton Diversity Equity and Inclusion (CDEI), Paul Revere Heritage Commission, Sustainability, Health Insurance Advisory Committee (HIC), Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA), Canton COVID Working Group, CPSWellness/SWAG, GMS MSBA Building Committee, Student Advisory Committee
Liaisons to CPS or Town Boards, Committees, and Municipally-Governed Groups - Annual Town Meeting Prep Committee, Select Board, Town Finance Committee, Capital Planning
Liaisons to Groups Serving Canton Public Schools - CAPE, CAPT, Student Advisory Committee
Liaisons to Regional Organizations - Teaching Education Collaborative (TEC), Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC)
system and identify initial Student Information System (SIS) minimum requirements
H. (5-30 min.) Public Comment Please click here to sign up to make a public comment. Public comment allows individuals to express an opinion or share a comment on issues to be discussed on the meeting agenda and/or within the School Committee’s authority. It is not an opportunityfor discussion dialogue between individuals and the School Committee or Administration. To respect the time of all participants in the meeting, the totality of individual comments cannot exceed 5 minutes. For more information and guidance on making public comments, please see the CPS policy here.
I. J.
(10 min.) Director of Finance and Operations Report
(5 min.) Consent Agenda The consent agenda is designed to expedite the District's handling of routine and miscellaneous business. The School Committee may adopt the entire Consent Agenda with one motion. At the request of any committee member, any item(s) may be removed and placed on the Regular Agenda for discussion. Note: per Robert's Rules of Order: A member's absence from the meeting for which minutes are being approved does not prevent the memberfrom participating in their correction or approval.
Regular Session Minutes: January 19, 2023
Executive Session Minutes: December 3, 2022 (evening session), January 19, 2023
Overnight Travel Request: DECA State Competition - Boston Marriott Copley, March 9-March 11, 2023
4. Warrant: February 3, 2023
(5 min.) Update of Sub-Committee, Task Force and Liaison Posts In addition to the core role of governing our schools, the Canton School Committee creates, participates in, and/or designates representatives to help manage issues of particular importance to the school district or town. They are listed belowfor reference in order to prompt priority updatesfrom or questions of representatives as relevant.
Other Business Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
M. Future Business The next Open Session meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 16, 2023, @ 6:00 pm. N. Adjournment
The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Finance Committee of Feb. 1, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Finance Committee Meeting Notice
Meeting Date:
Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Meeting Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Wednesday February 1, 2023
Finance Committee Meeting Agenda – Virtual Meeting (see details below)
This meeting is being recorded by the Town of Canton. Items may be taken out of order. (Minutes Primary/Alternate: Emilio Mauro / Dave Clough)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 5437 8419
One tap mobile +13126266799,,86254378419# US (Chicago) +16469313860,,86254378419# US
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 862 5437 8419
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcR7ER8Z5
Call Meeting to Order
New Business: (times are approximate)
7:00 Review of ATM 2023 Warrant - Voted by the Select Board on January 31, 2023 – Randy Scollins
7:20 Discuss and Vote the following FY24 Municipal Budget Requests – Cindy Thomas
#131 Finance Committee
#132 Reserve Fund
7:30 Discuss and Vote the following FY24 Municipal Budget Requests – Randy Scollins #133 Director of Finance
#710 Principal Payments – General Fund Principal Debt Service Payments FY24
#751 Long-Term Interest Payments – General Fund Interest Debt Service Payments FY24
#752 Short Term Interest Payments
#820 Cherry Sheet Assessments #830 County Tax Cherry Sheet
#840 Blue Hills Regional Assessment
#841 Norfolk County Agricultural High School
#911 Retirement Benefits – Norfolk County Retirement System Assessment
#914 Employer Share – Health Insurance
#915 Employer share – Life Insurance
#993 OPEB Transfers – Other Post-Employment Benefits
#610 Water Enterprise Principal and Interest Payments – Water Debt Service Payments FY24
#600 Sewer Enterprise Principal and Interest Payments – Sewer Debt Service Payments FY24
#700 Rink Enterprise Principal and Interest Payments – Rink Debt Service Payments FY24
#433 Trash Collection
#990 Transfers – Special Revenue Transfer Out –Transfer to Plymouth Rubber District Improvement Financing (DIF) Fund
8:00 Discuss – Sub-Committee Report and Recommendations – Elected Officials Compensation – Cindy Thomas Follow up information from Town Counsel
Compensation Tier Modeling
Old Business: Review Finance Committee Liaison List
Approval of Minutes: Sub-Committee - review Elected Officials Compensation minutes - January 18, 2023. Finance Committee Minutes – January 25, 2023
Next Meeting Date: February 8, 2023
If a topic becomes known prior to 48 hours before the scheduled meeting, the Committee will update this posting. The Committee may also discuss a topic or topics
not reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before the meeting.
FINCOM 20230201 Agenda.docx
Town of Canton Finance Committee Cindy Thomas, Chair Emilio Mauro, Vice Chair Dave Clough
Dan Cole
Karen Foley
Tim McKenna Maureen Menconi Reuki Schutt
1 Vacancy

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Planning Board of Feb. 1, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Patricia McDermott, Chair David McCarthy, Vice Chair Kathy Gibbs McCormack, Clerk Joseph Amrhein, Member
Jim Quigley, Member
Join Zoom Meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88972621238?pwd=TGVXdWdyZUdpaTRIUUMvSHRiYXFGQT09 Meeting ID: 889 7262 1238
Passcode: 650547 Passcode: 650547
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb4su225XA SCHEDULED HEARINGS:
( 1 ) MAPC Discussion (Josh Fiala, Principal Planner (Metropolitan Area Planning Counsel)
( 2) ( 3) (4)
Warner Trail Feasibility Study Discussion Committee Discussions
Review & Approval of January 18, 2023 Minutes
Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Next Meeting: February 15, 2023

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
St. Gerard’s Reuse Committee of Feb. 1, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
St Gerard’s Reuse Committee Meeting Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 - 6:00 PM Pequitside Farm, Tavern Room
Introduction, Canton Housing Trust and their role, Kevin Shea Presentation possible usage of former rectory building for Veterans/ Senior Housing. Gene
Review of Community Meeting Collateral, Survey, Website and Property Visuals. Gene
Review schedule of key stakeholders/community meeting locations and format.
Final Website Format Review
Moving to 3 week meeting schedule/date and time.

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Select Board of Jan. 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Meeting Agenda
January 31, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall, 801 Washington Street, Canton, MA Salah Meeting Room
Chair John J. Connolly | Vice Chair Lisa R. Lopez Ɩ
Clerk Thomas W. Theodore I Christopher J. Connolly I Michael C. Loughran
Town Administrator Charles E. Doody
Time |
Item |
Speaker |
5:30 PM |
Presentation Affordable Housing Production Plan |
J. Goldson |
5:45 PM |
Saint Gerard Reuse Committee Update |
A. Ryder |
5:50 PM |
Action Items/New Business |
1. |
Vote to Accept: Low Bid for the January 2023 Bond Offering |
R. Scollins |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Annual Town Meeting Warrant and execute same |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Mitigation Funds for the funding of the Housing Trust Coordinator |
C. Doody |
4. |
Vote to Approve: Updates to Emergency Closing Policy |
C. Doody |
5. |
Vote to Approve: request from Conservation to remove vegetation from Messinger Pond |
Clerk |
6. |
Vote to Approve: Common Victualler license for Neponset HD LLC, d/b/a Honey Dew Donuts |
Clerk |
7. |
Vote to Appoint: Stormwater Policy Manager |
Clerk |
8. |
Vote to Appoint: Interim Town Engineer |
Clerk |
9. |
Vote to Appoint: School Representative to CAASA |
Clerk |
10. |
Vote to Appoint: Member to Saint Gerard Building Reuse Committee |
Clerk |
11. |
Vote to Approve: Application to obtain a special license to serve wine and malt at four (4) one-day events for Milton Players at Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital School, 3 Randolph Street, to be held on February 3, 2023, February 4, 2023, February 10, 2023, February 11, 2023, 8:00 PM until 10:30 PM contingent upon Building Commissioner, Police Chief and Fire Chief approval. |
Clerk |
12. |
Vote to Accept and Authorize: the use of the gift in accordance with the terms there of under MGL Ch. 44 § 53A; the donation of $100 from Rob Knauber-Rob’s Masonry to the Fire Department |
Clerk |
13. |
Vote to Accept and Authorize: the use of the gift in accordance with the terms there of under MGL Ch. 44 § 53A; the donation of $141,249.74 from Outfront Media |
Clerk |
14. |
Discussion rules and regulations for Canton Corner Cemetery |
J. Connolly |
6:15 PM |
Action Items/Old Business |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Previously presented liquor rules and regulations |
Clerk |
6:20 PM |
Action Items/Other Business |
1. |
The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 1/13/2023: $2,360,066.14 The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 1/13/2023: $1,285,765.77 The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 1/20/2023: The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 1/20/2023: The Vendor Warrant total for the week of 1/27/2023: The Payroll Warrant total for the week of 1/27/2023: $995,628.93 $277,477.51 $2,264.249.87 $1,345,954.74 |
Clerk |
2. |
Vote to Approve: Water and Sewer Commitment -Final Bills in the amount $12,213.43 |
Clerk |
3. |
Vote to Approve: Water and Sewer- Residential in the amount $4,325,430.23 |
Clerk- |
6:25 PM |
Minutes |
1. |
Vote to Approve: Minutes from the Select Board Meetings of January 10, 2023 |
Clerk |
6:30 PM |
Announcements |
1. |
The Select Board will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the Salah Meeting Room, 801 Washington St. |
Clerk |
2. |
Network Coordinator retirement announcement |
Clerk |
6:35 PM |
Executive Session |
Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate (land acquisition), if the Chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body; to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union |
personnel (Police Chief, Town Planner) |
Topics not anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting